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Monday, October 15, 2012


We are all a part of a life, where joy and happiness is a part of reality, where we can all become one. The best part of life is knowing what not to expect. The joy of that first felling, its like a baby born to a new family, were his first joy is every moments he will spend coming to this world, a world were hearts can either be amazed or broken beneath the shadow doors, were every pain can be felt, and every story can be told. When you have a heart to feel, its like having a dream to see, and a hand to feel in a moment of sorrow and darkness. Love is like words, some can build you, and others can hurt, but when you have a friend who cares, its just amazing as having your favorite song to listen to in those hard times,

" You can build moments with loved ones, but you make memories with your best friends.You forget the past, and make peace with what you have, that makes your moments more valuable than ever,"FRIENDS."

Sunday, October 14, 2012


When life gives you a chance, you take it, you make it yours, we all have to see the world in our own little box, the world is bigger than " hi my name is Sam" it's a open mined were we all are an open book, you can read it, but has I quote don't speed read, enjoy every moment, cherish what you have, before it's gone, and your alone, make your dreams come true, like a flower about to grow, your a heart is about to touch a magic of life.You can make one difference, but can you make the next.

" never stop growing, as life grows on you."

Life,In a new way

We are all amazed by nature, by humanity, by inspiration, but through all those inseparable moments, we never take time to inspire our selves, we never take our dreams to a level of life, a level of wonders, we always challenge others to do whats right, but never our selves. We our the painting that has never been drawn, the song that has never been written, when you inspire this generation, you inspire others trough the next generation. The truth lies inside of us, deep beneath all those wonders, beneath the path we never took, the challenges we never faced. We all can do good things, help others, make a change, do the right thing, the question is,

 " we spend all this time inspiring others, but can you inspire your selves."